Governance Proposal Reward Allocation Ratio (Eth/xDai)
The Unique.One project will introduce our second marketplace on Ethereum L2 xDai on the 10th of March 2021. The intention is to provide artists with a lower-cost platform option to mint their artwork.
xDai allows users to mint, buy, and sell their artwork for pennies. NFTs minted on xDai can even be transferred, along with their associated metadata, to other chains, such as Ethereum, via bridges.
In order to incentivise minting on both platforms, Creation, Transaction, and Volume rewards will be extended to both the Ethereum and the xDai chains.
Due to the difficulties of coming up with an ideal reward split, the Founding Team proposes an experimental phase consisting of periods where the community will vote and decide according to a simple majority vote what the ratio of the rewards split should be.
The community is required to decide on the reward split between Ethereum and xDai chain for the period between 10th March to 31st March 2021. The following are the options:
*50% Ethereum / 50% xDai
*60% Ethereum / 40% xDai
*70% Ethereum / 30% xDai
*80% Ethereum / 20% xDai
*90% Ethereum / 10% xDai
This experimental stage will continue until such time the community agrees there is stability in the system.
The community will have another opportunity to engage in a governance vote to approve the reward allocation prior to the distribution of the April rewards for the 1st April to 15th April 2021 period.
Voting starts midnight Saturday, March 6 Japan time (00:00 March 7 JST) and ends Tuesday, March 9 Japan time (00:00 March 10 JST)
Vote here.
You can also access the Governance page on Unique.One to vote.
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